Living AF + Expanding Creativity

Creativity is the infinite potential that rests within.

The creative Self is a part of our essence that we each have access to. Yet, so many believe that they are not creative. And, by the way, as a creative entrepreneur, that belief is bogus I say! I believe every individual is extremely creative. It’s simply a matter of willingness to embrace your unique Self expression. 

Leading an alcohol-free lifestyle has only enhanced the access I have to the creative life-force that swirls through us all. 

Without consuming alcohol, my creative process feels more clear, streamlined, and ease-filled to tap into. I no longer have to carve out “recovery days” from a night of drinking, which has opened up my time to be in connection with what lights me up, only adding to my creativity.

Imagination is the gateway that illuminates intuition. For me, my creative genius is intuitively-inspired. Without the cloudiness and fog that alcohol filtered into my mind and noise for my body to process, I am way more tuned in, tapped in, and turned on to my internal guidance system – my intuition.

Intuition is an essential part of my creative work, professionally and experimentally. I have been able to cultivate a deeper relationship with my intuitive Self as a result of an AF lifestyle, inviting me to be in partnership with the subtle sensations that my body communicates with me, as well as greater trust for the inklings and inner knowings I experience in my inner world. All of this being vital components of my creative expression.

Living alcohol-free has not been limiting, but liberating. I am more aligned in body, mind, and spirit, which translates to a freshness in my creative work and a boundlessness in my sense of Self.

Want to cultivate a deeper relationship to creative too? Try out the ritual below.

A Ritual for Deepening Creativity

  1. Pour yourself a glass of a yummy NA bev from Loren’s Alcohol-Free Beverages. Really do it up big here, you’re setting the foundation to drop into a creative moment. Set the mood with a vibey playlist. Get out your best crystal drinkware. Garnish until your heart’s desire is filled. This is your opportunity for indulgence and luxury.
  2. Sip and Be. Enjoy a few moments of simplicity. Sip your delightful drink and just be with all that is. 
  3. Set an intention. Everything is energy, thoughts are things, so therefore thoughts are energy. Take some time to craft up a powerful thought in relation to your creative Self that you wish to hold in your heart.
  4. Let your Imagination Run Wild. Release your intention to expand into the space around you. As you sip on your NA bev, allow your imagination the space to be free to create – in any way it craves. Let go of all rules here. Become the observer to your own mind. Where does it carry you? What does it show you? Sit in this spacious moment for as long as you wish.
  5. Rinse and Repeat this Ritual as often as you can and bear witness to your creative Self taking on a life of its own.

Contributor: Amanda Thomas, Creative Entrepreneur, Amanda Thomas Creative
Instagram: @amandathomascreative


Living AF + Expanding Creativity
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